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The following topic describe the prerequisites necessary for working with the Amazon Redshift database.

Get started with Amazon Redshift

Once you register for an Amazon Web Services (AWS) account, you can launch an Amazon Redshift cluster and download the required SQL client tools. The following describes what you need to do to get started using Amazon Redshift as a Qlik Replicate target database.

  • Sign up for an Amazon Web Services account. Then use the AWS Management Console to launch an Amazon Redshift cluster. You should note the basic information about your AWS account and your Amazon Redshift cluster, such as your password and user name. You will need this information to configure Qlik Replicate to work with the Amazon Redshift database. For more information, see Setting general connection parameters.
  • Make sure the time and time zone settings on the Replicate machine are accurate. This is required in order to ensure:

    • Proper synchronization of Full Load and CDC tasks.
    • Correlation of the transaction log time with the actual time.
  • Download and install the Windows or Linux SQL client tools (according to your Replicate Server platform) necessary to connect to the Amazon Redshift cluster. Qlik Replicate requires you to download and install Amazon Redshift (x64) version or later.


    On Linux, after installing the ODBC driver, edit the /etc/odbcinst.ini file as follows:


    [ODBC Drivers]

    Amazon Redshift (x64)=Installed


    [Amazon Redshift (x64)]

    Description=Amazon Redshift ODBC Driver (64-bit)



    For a list of drivers supported by Amazon Redshift, see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/redshift/latest/mgmt/configure-odbc-connection.html.

    By default, Qlik Replicate uses the Amazon Redshift (x64) driver. If you use a different driver, you must change this in the Amazon Redshift database settings in the Qlik Replicate Console. For more information, see Setting advanced connection properties.

    Warning noteThe driver name in the Drivers tab of the ODBC Data Source Administrator x64 utility must be identical to the driver name specified in the Advanced tab of the endpoint settings. Otherwise, the following error will occur: "Data source name not found and no default driver specified".
    Information note

    To avoid conflicts when installing the driver on a Linux machine, Qlik Replicate must be installed before you install the driver. Install the Amazon Redshift ODBC driver with --force in the command, as in the following example:

    rpm -ivh AmazonRedshiftODBC-64bit- --force

    Once the driver is installed, edit the amazon.redshiftodbc.ini file as follows:



For information on signing up for an Amazon Web Services account, launching an Amazon Redshift cluster, and installing the client tools, see the Amazon Redshift Getting Started page at http://docs.aws.amazon.com.

Sign up for an Amazon S3 Bucket

You need to have an Amazon S3 bucket, preferably (for best performance) located in your Amazon Redshift cluster region. You must be able to access your Amazon S3 bucket directly from the machine.

For information on signing up for Amazon S3, see http://aws.amazon.com/s3/.


Amazon S3 Bucket

The following permissions are needed on your Amazon S3 bucket:

  • Read
  • Write
  • Delete

Amazon Redshift

Grant the following permissions on the Redshift database:

  • Grant COPY
  • Grant INSERT
  • Grant UPDATE
  • Grant DELETE
  • Grant SELECT
  • Create Schema (only required if schemas do not exist and you want Replicate to create them)
  • Grant DROP TABLE


Ensure that the following security prerequisites have been met:

  • Firewall port 5439 (Amazon Redshift Cluster) needs to be opened for outbound communication.
  • Replicate connects to AWS using SSL. This requires an appropriate CA certificate to reside on the Replicate machine; otherwise, the connection will fail. The purpose of the CA certificate is to authenticate the ownership of the AWS server certificate.

    On Windows, the required CA certificate is always present whereas on Linux it may sometimes be missing. Therefore, if you are using Replicate for Linux, make sure that the required CA certificate exists in the following location on the Linux machine:


    If it does not exist, the simplest solution is to copy the certificates bundle from another Linux machine.

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